Use this menu to cancel your last action, to work with movie data, or to select the entire contents of a movie.
Edit Menu
Use this menu to cancel your last action, to work with movie data, or to select the entire contents of a movie. Not available because the active window is not a movie window or no window is active.
Cancels your last action if it involved cutting, clearing, or pasting.
Cancels your last action if it involved cutting, clearing, or pasting. Not available because your last action cannot be canceled.
Removes the selected part of the movie and stores it on the Clipboard.
Removes the selected part of the movie and stores it on the Clipboard. Not available because nothing is selected.
Copies the selected part of the movie and stores the copy on the Clipboard.
Copies the selected part of a movie. Not available because nothing is selected.
Inserts the contents of the Clipboard at the location of the slider on the play bar.
Inserts the contents of the Clipboard at the location of the slider on the play bar. Not available because there is nothing on the Clipboard, or Movie Converter canΓÇÖt work with the contents of the Clipboard.
Removes the selected part of the movie without storing it on the Clipboard.
Removes the selected part of the movie without storing it on the Clipboard. Not available because nothing is selected.
Selects the entire movie in the active window.
Selects the entire movie in the active window. Not available because the active window is not a movie window, or the movie has no contents.